Friday, November 18, 2011

Diabetes Daily Dose: Understanding

Today I wanted to get a little more personal with this post. I know some of you who are following my Diabetes Daily Dose post are parents to T1 children, and more than likely you have other children in the house as well. I want to talk more about either what the child is feeling or the sibling of the T1 is,has or may feel and of course how us the moms feels.

When Hailey was first diagnosed we were all a little scatter brained to say the least for probably a month or longer. If you've never dealt with Diabetes you really just don't know how to deal with it at first. Taking so much knowledge in at once and fearing on a daily basis that you might forget to do this one step, and if you forget what will happen. In the beginning I think that was my worst fear, "What if I forget her shot"? And when her sugar was higher than suppose to be I was telling myself how bad of a mother I was.

Even though it's hard on us parents of course I think it's hardest on the child, especially when the child is so young.  Hailey as I've mentioned was diagnosed at 7 years old.  It took us a week or more to get Hailey back into school. She would go and an hour later she would call for us to pick her up. She felt different, she felt out of place. Nothing breaks a mothers heart more than her child to feel different than other kids. After much consoling, long talks and her own will power she was back to school. Hailey is a VERY independent person and she wasn't going to let it get her down. 

Hailey understands now that she has to check her sugar before she can eat the cupcakes someone brought to her school classroom, or before and after each classroom party. She has to check it before and after lunch, P.E, recess, etc. Just because she understands these things doesn't mean it isn't HARD on her, that she LIKES it or WANTS to do it. I think we take for granted that our child goes to school, eats, plays with no interruption into the daily routine. I know before she was diagnosed I did. She can NEVER just decide to sit down and eat a piece of cake like I can without first having to check her sugar and then after take insulin to cover it. She can NEVER just run out on the ball field with her teammates like they can without first checking her sugar, removing her pump(her choice). She gets woken up in the middle of the night because I checked her sugar and it was low so she must eat something right then! Some nights she never gets a full good nights rest!

My advice today is never take for granted the small steps in your life, steps so small you probably don't even realize you take them. 

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