Friday, January 20, 2012

A Day as a Blogger.....

     I get endless number of emails(which I don't mind) asking me how to get started coupon blogging or what all it involves. So I'm going to give you guys a little insight into the life of a mommy coupon blogger. 

A Day in the Life of a Blogger:

  1. Wake Up! Your first thought of the day is I wonder what's going to go on in the coupon world today - what can I post about today?
  2. Get kids up & ready for school and send them on their way
  3. Check emails, Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Affiliate Programs - realize you've yet to eat breakfast - check emails again & REPEAT, REPEAT, REPEAT!
  4. Besides the norm of coupon, store deals, freebies post - in between you try to think of something unique to post that will fit your readers - "Hmm what would my readers like"?
  5. Laundry, wash dishes...."Have I vacuumed the living room yet"? More laundry....REPEAT
  6. Check in with all your blogger friends to see what's new, what's hot, etc.....
  7. Head off to the stores to find new deals to post about - upon arriving you realize you forgot your phone to take pictures of said new deal....go home, get phone...finally arrive at the store....
  8. And so so much more!!
Blogging to some may seem easy. You sit at home and work on the computer all day - what could be so difficult about that right? Well as bloggers we have blogging on our mind all the time! Our work is with us wherever we go. We can't simply clock out and go home and be done. We are working at home from morning til bedtime. 
Our work is involving our families in what we do - from helping take pictures for blog post and so on and so on. 
The freebies and new deals don't just happen from 9am to 5pm, so we are always checking Facebook to try our best to keep our fans in the know. 
When it comes down to it we as bloggers probably work more hours a day all together than we would otherwise if we worked outside of the home. 

WE LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF IT! Nothing brings me more joy than being able to stay at home and work and make enough money to put my family at ease. I wouldn't want any other job than the one I have!!
I love finding and sharing all the deals I come across with my fans. I love interacting with you guys, answering your questions or just chatting on the Facebook wall. 

For Starters.....
Starting out blogging - coupon blogging can seem to say the least overwhelming!! You don't know were to begin or the slightest idea of were to learn to begin. Not to mention these days it seems there is tons and tons of coupon blogs already out there.
My # 1 Tip: DON'T BE INTIMIDATED!! We all started from the ground and worked our way up. So don't let "bigger" blogs intimidate you. If your serious and really wanting to start your own blog - THEN DO IT!
Tip 2: Find what makes your blog different from all the others out there and work it that way.
Tip 3: Build your fan base up once you have started your blog/Facebook page etc. Out of respect to other bloggers don't go around posting your page to everyone else's page. Send them an email asking if they would mind to share your page. You get more respect that way!
Tip 4: Find blogging buddies! Having blogger friends that are in the same line of work your in is so much easier. They know the stress or what not. They help you in all sorts of ways.
Tip 5: Once you've built your fan base up it's time to start making money off your blog. The list below are Affiliate Sites for you to sign up for and start making money off your blog and making working from home a BLESSING!!

There are several other Affiliate programs to sign up for but starting out you need to go small, learn the ropes then apply for others along the way. You don't want to overwhelm yourself to fast. I know this isn't everything you need to know about blogging but it will help you start out and if you have any questions always feel free to email me at

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