Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wondering Wednesday - Stockpiling Food without it Expiring

Wondering Wednesday is a place to get all your questions about couponing, stockpiling, etc. 

Today's question came via email: 
"How do you know how to stockpile food items without them going bad before you use them"

*That's a great question and I'm glad this was one of the first questions I could answer for you guys. I know you have seen on tv or pictures of stockpiles that had 100 boxes of cereal, 50 or more bottles of Ranch salad dressing. You can't try and stockpile based on what you have seen by others. Every family is different, we eat different things, the number of people in our households are different. So the best thing to do is stockpile for YOUR FAMILY! 
  1. The first thing you need to do is sit down and think of what your family eats, how much they eat and how often. After you determined all that then it's time to work on your stockpile.
  2. Be aware ahead of time you WILL NOT build your stockpile overnight! It takes time and patience to build the stockpile you want.
  3. Now you find said item at it's lowest price and you are ready to start stockpiling. Remember sale cycles usually run every 6 -12 weeks. So stock up enough to last your family til the next cycle without it expiring. 
  4. Always rotate your food items keeping the oldest in front so it gets used first. Remember if the item expires before you can use it, it's not saving your family any money, your wasting money! 
If you want your question answered in the next Wondering Wednesday email me at

Check out the rest of the Wondering Wednesday

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