Monday, February 6, 2012

Valentine's Day DIY Day 1: "52 Reasons I Love You"

Each day this week I'll be bringing you a crafty, homemade, FRUGAL way to tell your loved one how you feel this Valentine's Day. For those who follow me know that I sadly lack the creativity to take credit for any of these ideas, so for more ideas follow the links posted each day!
"52 Reasons I Love You Card Tutorial"
  1. Find some playing cards! You can use an old deck from home or these are $1 at the store.
  2. Scuff them up with some sandpaper to give them a used feel as well as a used look
  3. Create a template with one of the spare cards
  4. Punch two holes in each cards using the template as a guide
  5. Create your reasons labels to attach to the cards
  6. Using double sided tape and/or glue - attach the inserts to the cards (using glue will take longer to dry and will stiffen the cards up adding more dimension)
  7. Create all 52 of your reasons cards and let the glue dry
  8. Thread cards together. You can use yarn or rings that you can buy at a craft store.

You can create your reasons with Powerpoint or simply cut 6x4cm paper or cardstock paper and hand write your reasons.
Total Cost: FREE if you have items laying around the house, if not this should cost you less than $5 BUT it will mean the world to the person receiving it!!

Thanks to PaperVine for this great idea

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