Friday, April 20, 2012

Columbia Gorge Coupon Mommy's 1yr GIVEAWAY

Wow! It is hard to believe that it has been 1 year since I began my blogging adventure in the fast pasted "Coupon World".  Through tough times and fun times, I came out on top.  My website gained a make over, I gained over 8000 fans on Facebook as Columbia Gorge Coupon Mommy, and best of all, I gained a ton of new friends through out this adventure.

As a thank you for reading my posts daily, I have teamed up with a fantastic group of bloggers and small business owners to give you the BIGGEST giveaway in Columbia Gorge Coupon Mommy history! It is a celebration of course, so with so many prizes (and even a grand prize), there will be several winners!

Here's a peek at some of the prizes:

~ Scentsy Scent Circle & Travel Tin ~ $50.00 Coupon Envelope & Stickers ~ $5 PayPal Cash~

~ Bulk Mix Coupon Inserts (Value $18.99) ~ $10 Amazon eGift Card ~ $5 Starbucks Card ~

~ $5 Lowes or Home Depot Card ~  Amazon eGift Card ~ Necklace from Paparazzi Jewelry ~ 

~ $100 Coupon Envelope ~  GRAND PRIZE (1 winner) $50 eGift Card of Winners Choice ~

In order to win, you need to enter via the Rafflecopter Form below.  After you are finished, please take the time to thank ALL of the wonderful sponsors as well! The Giveaway is LIVE 4/21 - 5/5/12.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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