Monday, April 23, 2012

WHY I Coupon.....

I usually don't share that much personal stuff with you guys but as I have seen this happening all around me, I knew it was something most of you could relate to. This will also clear up WHY I coupon. I get asked that ALL the time and here is why:

In less than three days Chad along with many many others around him will be loosing their job. We have known for months now but as the day gets closer it's really hitting home. As of right this minute Chad does not have a job locked down but thankfully he has many offers to consider and I have faith he will get one of them. When? Only God knows that answer. 

But for those who don't understand why I coupon and stockpile, that is my reason. You never know from one day to the next what will happen. You may have a job one day and the next it's cut from under your feet. Thankfully we had known about this day so it has given me time to build up my stockpile for the worse case that Chad doesn't get offered a job right away. 
Chad and I are on this Earth to support not only ourselves but our eight kids. We don't coupon and stockpile to "hoard" or "collect" items or for the "thrill" of it. We coupon to give our family all that we can. 

With our couponing we have enough stocked to keep our family fed and clean for the next 6 months or more and I am more thankful for that now that I have ever been. We didn't expect for Chad's job to let him and everyone else go. Chad is a hard working man and for years he has been the sole "bread winner" of the family supporting all ten of us, and I am blessed that by my couponing I am able to help support our family when we will possibly need it the most. 

With that said, please don't judge someone, you never know what their situation is. Couponing may be a "sport" to some but for the most of us we are trying to save money and help support our families the best we can. 


Unknown said...

I have been in your situation and agree, without my stockpile we wouldn't have made it.

Anonymous said...

so sorry about your husband's job. my husband lost his job of 18 years in january of 2009. it took him 2 years to find the job he has now, but he makes $17,000 less a year. unfortunately, i couponed but did not have a stockpile in the kitchen. i guess i didn't want to think he would be losing his job. you have done a really great thing by couponing wisely and having a stockpile to get you through your hard time. i love your blog and facebook postings and have learned a lot through them. you are an inspiration to all of us who coupon!!! good luck to you guys.

Anonymous said...

I know this only to well and I feel anything I can do to help take care of my family is a blessing I like you can feed my family for awhile with out worry,my sisters are always saying how they could always shop at my house if they had to,but I have peace of mind knowing we will not be hungry for a long time!I pray Chad finds a job quickly!Marcella

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